Tuesday, March 27, 2018

#37 caned for a fund raiser

In a cloud of smoke, a Genie appears in front of me, and intones,
"I am the Genie of Fantasy.  I can not make you rich or famous, but I CAN put you into any fantasy world you wish.  You can stay in the fantasy world as long as you want... you can say the words, "Teenie Genie, take me home" or if you fall asleep, you'll return to this real world, and only one minute in real time will have passed."
I eagerly told him what I wanted.

Merry and I were walking in the door to a fund raiser for a Femdom group to which we belonged.
Tickets were being sold at a buck apiece to be used at the various play stations and games being held there.
We were assigned a separate room to set up in, but no closeable door. 
As a public party, I could not get naked, so I stripped to white a shirt and white thong, and I lay prone on my stomach on a waist high table, with pillows under my stomach.
Merry set up canisters holding implements and put up signs.
One canister: several skinny hickory or bamboo canes, sign: "3 strokes one ticket."
Second canister: senior heavy cane, sign: "3 strokes, three tickets."
Third canister:  Leather tawse and strap, sign: "3 strokes, five tickets."
Fourth canister:  Two heavy paddles, sign: "3 strokes, seven tickets."
Fifth canister: a heavy sjambok we borrowed, sign: "2 strokes, ten tickets."
One more sign: "Got your own implement? Ask Merry how many tickets."
And we set up a camera focused strictly on my butt.
Then Merry put a sign on the wall: "Open for business"
Business was good and brisk, and I made a show of moaning in pretense of pain.
Although real pain did happen when one woman dropped ten tickets and used the sjambok.
By closing time, we had collect 110 tickets, and my bottom was a deep dark red.
We packed up, and cashed in our tickets, for which we earned 10% for our trouble, a whopping $11.

She drove home, and I nodded off.

Poof! I was back in my living room.

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