My fantasy: We were regular visitors to a Blog, created by a guy, as a forum for Hubbies who get spanked by their Wifes, and the Wives that spank them.
What if he created two real time chat rooms, one for the hubbies, one for the wives ?
In a cloud of smoke, a Genie appears in front of me, and intones,
"I am the Genie of Fantasy. I can not make you rich or famous, but I CAN put you into any fantasy world you wish. You can stay in the fantasy world as long as you want... you can say the words, "Teenie Genie, take me home" or if you fall asleep, you'll return to this real world, and only one minute in real time will have passed."
I eagerly tell him what I want.
Moderator note: in the following chat, the author in Red represents the fellow from "SPECIAL EDITION: TEN RULES..."
and the author in Green represents the well known "Shilo" of the Merry-and-Shilo couple.
With a little time on my hands, I decided to pop into the new-ish chat room that another blogger had created, just for Hubbies (boy friends) that get discipline at the hands of their Wives (girl friends), or another for the Wives (girl friends) that do the disciplining.
Prior to entry, I needed to create a screen name (nic). I came up with SWISHED (Stict WIfe Spanks Husband Every Day).
I entered the chat room ... and was alone.
Well, I thought, it is a new-ish room, hasn't caught on so much yet.
Then I saw a message scrolling on the screen:
This chat room is new, so if you pop in and see that you are alone, well, give us time to build an audience, and keep coming back!
In the meantime, take note:
Tonight, 7:00 pm, PDT, will be a forum. A moderator will be here to ask a list of questions, and all in attendance will be invited to input their answers. It's a great way to get to know each other! We did this a few days ago, and had six in attendance. Join us. If you have participated previously, the questions will be the same, but you are still welcome to join and answer the questions and possibly meet newcomers. During the forum, the PM capability will be turned OFF, to avoid interruptions or slow down. We hope to see you then!
Well .. I thought. I'll be home by 6. Wife will be at a business conference until midnight. I've nothing to do but watch tv ...sure, okay.
Home.... at 6:55 I settled in front of my laptop, and logged into the site.
I entered the chat room.
Dan_a_spanked-Man was there.
Shilospanked and BareBottomBob soon followed.
at 7:OO pm, Moderator appeared.
Welcome, all. Just to recap what's happening now, I will be asking a rather long series of questions about your personal dynamic, and you should quickly input your answers, and I'll give everybody time to answer before moving on to the next question. Private Chat will be turned off during this forum, so we aren't slowed down by any, well, private conversations that might be happening.
To begin with, when I say "husband" or "wife" and you are in a, well, committed relationship, but not married, just consider yourself as ... married. So,
Are you a husband that gets spanked by your wife?
(And if not, why are you in this chat room?)
Yes ... Yes ... Yes ... Yes.
What are the ages of you and your spouse? Of course, you can fib if you want to, but this is the internet, who's gonna know, really?
47 and 44 ... 57 and 52 ... 45 and 44 ... 50 and 48
Married, or living together, whichever is longer, for how long?
9 years ... 5 1/2 years ... 17 years .... 8 years ...
Okay, so, were you spanked ... as a child, growing up, at HOME, by some adult figure such as Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, etc. If so, specify. If it's along list, name the top two.
Yes, Mom or Dad ... No so much, really ... No ... yes, so rarely, don't much remember
At what point in your marriage did you get your first spanking from your wife? Like, even before the wedding, or on the wedding night, or some later?
2 years after marriage ... We got together at a dungeon party for her to spank me ... 1 year after marriage ... Just started three months ago ...
We have found in research, that rarely does a woman come into a marriage with the idea of giving her husband spankings. Sometimes it happens in foreplay, sometimes it starts as a jest, like she says, "I should take down your pants and spank you." So, in your dynamic, whose idea was it, really? Explain, briefly if you can.
Mine, we argued a lot. I thought this would help settle them. It has.
Mutual. I always had a fantasy of being spanked, and she learned to enjoy giving spankings before she hooked up with me.
Mine, I read about it on the DWC website. I thought it could work for us.
Well, I had the fantasy of being spanked, but I could not openly suggest it to her. Then she discovered my fantasies, and She suggested .. actually spanking me. But, I don't think she would have if I did not already have the fantasy.
Do you have anything like a written disciplinary contract or a set of rules?
Nothing in writing ... we've been through contracts and lists, nothing current though ... a long list that states, if I do THIS I'll get spanked like THAT ... A very clear list of currently ten rules
So, how often are you spanked? Let's keep this to most current history. This is the 112th day of this year. How many times THIS year have you been spanked?
Something like, eight ... many times a week, some weeks daily ...
Pretty much, once a week so 16 ... Once a day. If a day is missed, she makes up for it with two on another day .. some days there have been three ... so a bit more than once a day
IF you were spanked as a child, you remember that you did not have a choice in the matter, which is to say, it was NON-consensual. Now as an adult, you always have a choice. Still, would you consider the spankings you get as consensual?
I've pretty much given open consent to being spanked whenever my wife decides to ... I might not like it, but I've never refused ...
Yeah, pretty much Well ... yes
To rephrase the question, CAN you refuse a spanking?
I've never even considered it ... Only for health reasons ... I suppose I 'could', but I never have ... Part of our agreement is, if I ever refuse a spanking, then the game is over so to speak, she'll never spank me again ... which would be a worse punishment than the actual spanking itself
So, preparing for a spanking... may I assume we (yes, that includes me) all get 'em on the bare bottom?
Yes ... yes ... yes ... You may
So a multi parter here... removal of clothes. Does SHE take your pants and ... or shorts down, do you remove your pants or more? How do you prepare?
I stand in front of her and she takes down my pants first, then my briefs .... SHe tells me to 'get naked' ... I have to strip naked ... I strip to my briefs, then stand at attention in front of her, with my briefs lowered to my thighs, hands on my head
Have you been or are you commonly told to take a shower before a spanking?
No ... No ... Once or twice ... Once or twice a week, she'll tell me, once I get home from work to immediately take a shower, then stand in the corner and wait for her
On that note, have you been or are you often told to stand in a corner BEFORE a spanking?
No ... Often... No ... damn near, every single time
What does your wife use to spank you? IF she has one specific implement, even if it's her hand, name it; If she uses a wide variety, name the top three
Hand, hairbrush, small paddle .... Paddle, tawse, bath brush ... Hairbrush, belt, cane ... Hairbrush OR small paddle, tawse, cane
Has she or does she make you 'cum' before a spanking, such as by jacking you off or having you jack off first?
Oh, 25% of the time ... no, I don't get aroused enough ... Years ago, yes but not at my age now ... Depends on my state of arousal once I am naked. If I am 'up' then yes. And if I show arousal when I get up from a spanking, she'll have me cum and spank me again.
Have you or do cry real tears during or as a result of a spanking?
Once, for sure .... No ... no ... Frequently.
So, the spanking is over ... has she or does she have you stand in a corner?
Sometimes ... often ... once or twice ... Every single time
Has she or does she require you to stay naked or only wear briefs for the duration of the day or night after a spanking?
No, once it's over, it's over ... No, it's just over ... pajama bottoms for the day or evening, no underwear ... tighty whities for the remainder
Speaking of TW, since she is far more likely to see you in your underwear, than you see yourself, does she dictate your choice of underwear ... and is wearing women's panties at all included in that?
She buys my underwear, and it's limited to briefs, half in white, half in other colors , never panties .... I'm allowed to make my own choices but she has on occasion told me to go change into panties prior to a spanking ... for my daily wear, she does not care, but for my weekly spankings, she starts by telling me to get ready by stripping off then put on panties .... I am only allowed tighty whities, and at least once a week, she tells me that I'm to wear panties all day
Do you have any special furniture for spanking in your residence? If you do, you know what I mean, if not well, then you don't.
No ... We have a spanking bench ... we keep an ottoman at the foot of the bed for no reason other than me to kneel over, then bend over the edge of the bed .... We have a spanking bench, specifically designed with pads for knees, pads for elbows n arms a long body to lay my torso across ... and we have a cock n ball pillory.
Um, sorry what's that?
Well, it's this
OH! My! Okay then ....
Now let's get into spanking specifics. I know, for me, there are general reasons for being spanked, and sometimes things come up that becomes a specific reason for a spanking. So, name general reasons for a spanking in your dynamic, and if there's a a bunch, keep your answers to just three.
Attitude adjustment, settling arguments
She just likes to spank me, and I kind of enjoy it too
General misbehavior
To stop me from fantasizing and masturbating
Now, let's some some specific reasons for a spanking. Again, if there are a bunch, only list three.
Back talk, yelling, cursing
Toilet seat up, home late without calling, inadequate sex
Cursing at drivers, rude to guests, rude to her
She's never given a specific reason
Have you ever, have you recently, do you currently get a spanking right at bedtime?
Well, I have ...
Yeah, it's happened enough
In case you aren't getting enough, have you recently or ever ASKED for a spanking?
LOL no.
Oh no.
I get 'em often enough, so no need.
Does your wife set appointments for a spanking?
No, very spontaneous
She has. Like for later in the day, or sometime tomorrow.
We have a standing Sunday appointment.
So far, it's always been 'right now' unless she tells me in the morning, to be ready when I get home from work.
Does your wife give you on-the-spot or spur-of-the-moment spankings?
Almost, exclusively.
Oh, yeah, plenty.
For sure.
ALL the time.
What is the duration of a typical spanking? If you're not in a position to be watching a clock, maybe go by the number of swats, smacks, or strokes given?
Fifteen minutes, up to thirty.
No typical. I've had very short ones, and very very long ones.
Fifteen, twenty minutes.
I'm often over her knee for half an hour. She often continues with me in some other position after.
Now, severity. This is very subjective. What one guy would call 'hard', the next guy might call 'easy' and vice versa. Certainly depends on your individual pain tolerance, and perhaps the thickness of the skin on your butt. So, on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 would suggest light taps of the palm of her hand on the seat of your denim jeans, and 10 is so hard and painful that you're about ready to get up and say, "I can't take this anymore", give us what you would call the average severity of your spankings.
6, maybe 7.
8, pushing 9
oh, 5 to 7
Always 9 plus.
Sort of on the subject of severity, do you have access to a safe word you can use, that indicates to her, that you just can not take anymore?
No, never discussed it.
Yes, but never used it.
I wouldn't use one if I had one. If I ever called quits, she would refuse to spank me ever again.
Do you, have you ever, taken pictures of, well, your bottom, say before and after, or just ... after?
Once ...twice.
Almost always.
Uh, no.
Have you ever set up a camera, and video recorded a session?
Many times.
Have you ever been restrained for a session, ie tied up, tied down, belts used to hold you to a bench, whatever?
Once or twice.
Has she or does she give you enemas as punishment or part of a punishment?
LOL no.
Has been discussed, but not yet.
All I can say is, not yet. I'm afraid that any day, she'll think of it.
Moving on: does ANYbody else know that you are a spanked husband? That includes any family or friends or ... well, if it's a long list, only list three.
um, no.
Friends in the Fet community; our roommate, a couple of her sons
Lord no
Not that I am aware of.
Has ANYbody watched you being spanked? Again, limit your list to three.
Been to many bdsm parties, so many.
Have you with your wife met any other Strict Wife - Spanked Husband couples? A simple 'no' or a number, for the number of couples .. will do for an answer.
Interested, but hasn't happened yet.
IF you have met other couples, have you ever swapped with them, with you being spanked by the other Wife, and your wife spanking the other husband? Well, never mind, with all your 'no's' to the previous, nothing applicable here. So
Have you ever attended a Spanking Party, and if so, specify if was mixed with Male tops and bottoms, and Female tops and bottoms, or was specifically F/m spanking.
Both .. mixed and specifically Female tops
Assume your bottom shows marks for some time after a spanking (ie bruises, welts ...) IF that's not your case, then your answer to the following should be "N/A". The question is: are you embarrassed to show your marked bottom in, well, public, with the only examples I can think of would be, in the locker room at a public gym, or on a nude beach, or if you hang out naked in your own back yard.
I often show bruises, and I wouldn't be embarrassed, but I don't go anywhere where my bottom would be on display.
My bottom often shows bruises, and I haven't yet had to show it, but if She told me to, I would have to.
Have you ever been spanked outdoors (in a park, on a hike, at a beach...)?
No, or I should say, not yet.
Have you ever been spanked in what might be called "Public", whether seen or unseen by others?
Well, not yet.
From the time your wife started spanking you, have you been spanked by anybody else?
Yeah, usually at parties.
Say, there's other people in the house, whether you are visiting them, or they are visiting you. Wife decides, you're getting a spanking. Does she wait, until you're home or guests have departed, or does she discretely take you to some other room, or does she announce for all to hear, "Let's go into the bedroom, I'm going to spank your bottom", or does she spank you in front of these other people (or person)?
She waits til we're alone.
Depends on the people. If they are utterly vanilla, she waits. If they are 'in the know' she'll spank me as they watch.
She waits.
Lord, this hasn't come up. I bet she'd spank me while they watch, but it hasn't come up.
So, there's some connection between sex and spanking. Maybe not between child and parent, teacher or student, but quite possibly between Wife and Husband. So, do you ever, sometimes, frequently, engage in sex after a spanking?
Call it 50-50.
She loves to, if I'm sufficiently aroused.
She says spanking is punishment, and no sex for a couple days after.
Frequently, yes.
Some wives may consider a husband she spanks as, well, submissive, and then choose to cuckold him. That is to say, Does she, or does either of you, engage in sex outside the marriage?
Well, let's say, not me.
Not me, and not her that I'm aware of.
How about masturbation ... do you want to engage in it, and does spanking have anything to do with the desire?
Not interested.
Spanking does make me horny. I've been know to masturbate thinking about being spanked.
It's a no-no for me
Masturbation to fantasies is what got me in trouble.
If you do want to, or actually do, masturbate ... should your wife be aware of it, is it permitted or forbidden?
If she's not in the mood, she doesn't care if I do.
It makes her unhappy if I masturbate if she's available
I have to ask permission.
Utterly forbidden.
On the topic of forbidden masturbation, has the use of chastity devices ever or recently been part of your dynamic?
Yes, part of our fetish dynamic.
Well, not yet, anyway.
Now to get personal with you ... Are you, would you be, embarrassed to admit to anybody that you are a spanked husband? (certainly, I'm not including within a group of other spanked husbands..) Or maybe, there's a few, or some folks, that you would be willing to talk about it with, but not others... ?
I'd be embarrassed with anybody.
With kink folk, I love to talk about it. With vanilla folk, it's not something I volunteer readily.
I'd be embarrassed...
I'd be embarrassed.
Now, honestly, on some level, any level, deep or shallow, do you "enjoy" being spanked?
I like her to have the control, but spankings are painful
Spankings are indeed painful, and I yell and groan a lot while being spanked, but ... I enjoy it.
Can't say I enjoy being spanked at all, but it's been a great boon to our marriage.
Spankings fucking HURT. It's been my fantasy for a LONG time to be spanked by a woman, but I never imagined it would hurt so much. I crave and desire spankings, but I do not enjoy them as they happen.
Now that your are familiar with the reality of ... being spanked, do you ever find yourself wishing, that it was NOT your dynamic?
Well, no.
Oh hell no.
Ahhh, well no
No, has been my fantasy for a long time.
Have you ever had a spanking so bad, so painful, that you came out of it thinking, you just can't put up with it anymore?
Lol. Five minutes after my worst spanking, I'm ready for some more.
Close. I've stood in the corner, hands on my head, bottom throbbing, tears running down my cheeks, thinking "Why" but after a few minutes ... I remember why.
Knowing what you know now, if you could just go back in time, to the beginning of your spanking dynamic, would you change it, cancel it, or quite simply, how might you change it?
Mmm No change.
No change at all. change.
I just wish... I'd told her my desires long before, like when we were about to be married. maybe she wouldn't be spanking me as hard as she does not.
That wraps it up for this discussion.
I'll back away, and open the PM function if you feel the need to privately chat, and of course you're welcome to stay here and just ... you know, chat.
GTG, Wife home soon, I wrote, and clicked my way out.
That was interesting, I thought.
And I closed my eyes and
I was home.
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